If You Are A Republican by Chuck McGlawn
If you are a Republican because you believe it is the party of pro-business, then you should examine the business-friendly approach of the Libertarians.
If you vote Republican because you think it is the
party of small government, then you should be voting Libertarian, truly the
party of smaller government.
If you support the Republican Party because you feel
it is the party of low taxes, then make your next contribution to Libertarians,
truly the party of low taxes.
If you campaign for the Republican Party because you
think it reflects your principles, then please investigate the “Party of principle”, the Libertarian Party
However, if you are a Republican because you think
that most people are not prepared sufficiently for self-government, and without
your studied approach and guidance to the issues, the unwashed masses would
vote us into socialist oblivion, then you should probably stay a Republican.
If You
Are A Democrat…
If you have always been a Democrat because you think
it is the party of the working man, then it is time to investigate the
Libertarian Party, truly the Party of the People.
If you are a registered Democrat because you think it
is the party of compassion, then register as a Libertarian The Party that wants
things better for everyone..
If you are a concerned Democrat because you think it
is the party of education, then you are going to love the Libertarian
If you are a committed Democrat because you think it
is the party of a clean environment, then you will want to look into
Libertarian solutions.
However, if you are a Democrat because you believe
most people are selfish, greedy and lack compassion. If you are a democrat
because without your broader view of the problems facing civilization, and
without your concern and selflessness we would all be working for fifty cents
per hour and all National Parks would be paved over and converted into theme
parks or parking lots, then you should probably stay a Democrat.