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Monday, May 17, 2021


If You Are A Republican by Chuck McGlawn

If you are a Republican because you believe it is the party of pro-business, then you should examine the business-friendly approach of the Libertarians.


If you vote Republican because you think it is the party of small government, then you should be voting Libertarian, truly the party of smaller government.


If you support the Republican Party because you feel it is the party of low taxes, then make your next contribution to Libertarians, truly the party of low taxes.


If you campaign for the Republican Party because you think it reflects your principles, then please investigate the “Party of principle”, the Libertarian Party


However, if you are a Republican because you think that most people are not prepared sufficiently for self-government, and without your studied approach and guidance to the issues, the unwashed masses would vote us into socialist oblivion, then you should probably stay a Republican.



If You Are A Democrat

If you have always been a Democrat because you think it is the party of the working man, then it is time to investigate the Libertarian Party, truly the Party of the People.


If you are a registered Democrat because you think it is the party of compassion, then register as a Libertarian The Party that wants things better for everyone..


If you are a concerned Democrat because you think it is the party of education, then you are going to love the Libertarian alternative


If you are a committed Democrat because you think it is the party of a clean environment, then you will want to look into Libertarian solutions.


However, if you are a Democrat because you believe most people are selfish, greedy and lack compassion. If you are a democrat because without your broader view of the problems facing civilization, and without your concern and selflessness we would all be working for fifty cents per hour and all National Parks would be paved over and converted into theme parks or parking lots, then you should probably stay a Democrat.


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Some New Year Resolutions

by Chuck McGlawn
Before our very eyes lie all the incentives man needs to set himself on the road of striving for “Smaller government, Lower taxes, More Freedom, because, ladies and gentlemen, the effective opposite of that choice is less freedom, higher taxes, and more government. Making those incentives understood and giving contemporary man these goals should be our job. Without such a goal, our likelihood of achieving it is on par with coming back from somewhere you’ve never been.  If we are to see the curve that measures individual liberty turn upward, we must know what we want, and we must know it is worth the effort to attain.

After the 2006 National Convention, where the Libertarian Party Platform was greatly reduced (some would say hijacked), the National Party started promoting a simple slogan: “Smaller government Lower taxes More freedom.” I applaud this simplification. However, it does not seem to have the promotion necessary to embed it into the minds and “mouths” of Libertarians.

Please note that if we had a smaller government, it would mean lower taxes and more freedom. If we had lower taxes, it would precipitate a smaller government and more freedom. Lastly, smaller government and lower taxes would precede more freedom. I am not suggesting we change the slogan. I think it will serve us well if we apply it.

That brings me to my resolutions. I see the Libertarian Party as the foot soldiers of the Libertarian Movement, they supply the information, and we hit the Front Lines. It is the party’s job to take the messages of the Libertarian Movement to non-libertarians. This brings me to Resolution #1) Spend less time talking with other libertarians. Spend more time talking to non-Libertarians. We have the most sellable product in the world, "more liberty." Take our message to non-libertarians.

To take our message to non-libertarians effectively requires STUDY, yes, study, and then more study. This brings me to Resolution #2) READ, read more, then read what you read, then reread it, then reread what you read. Let me remind you here that sloganeering is not enough, no matter how clever the slogan. You must know your subject. I believe that Party members need to actively engage in advocacy. An advocacy possible only by being better prepared. Party members can be effective only if and when they can and will present their position confidently, cogently, and constantly.

A subset of this resolution is to pick a subject, any subject, and prepare yourself so that you can speak persuasively in a discussion about that subject with 90% of the people with whom you come into contact. This will make talk-show hosts easy to handle. However, if we try to be all things to all people, we will get our heads handed to us in discussions with others. Nothing will silence a Libertarian more quickly than to be out-done by someone who is better prepared. READ READ READ being informed requires real work; osmosis will not do it. Let me paraphrase Dale Carnegie in a public speaking lesson. He said you should have 10 times the information you plan to present, and then the 10% that you do present will be more convincing because of your visible confidence.

Some good choices of subjects are the 10 covered on the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz”. There are dozens of others from which to choose. Pick one, two, or even three. Study them thoroughly. Keep your eyes open for news and commentaries about your chosen subjects so you can stay current with your knowledge base.

Resolution #3) once you have chosen a few subjects and are working on your basic knowledge, let other libertarians know your interest. Invite them to send you news and commentary articles on subjects of your choice. Let them know you would be willing to help them if they have questions about your subjects. Find out what their subjects are so you can send them news and commentaries on their subjects. If this program gathers any momentum, the LPOC Webpage could be an important clearinghouse for info.

Resolution #4) Some of the more knowledgeable Libertarians could do some reading in the area of Media Relations, writing news releases, putting together Media Packets, establishing some Media contacts and compiling a list of media outlets.

Resolution #5) Two or three members could get together to activate dormant members and contacting people that have expressed an interest in Liberty. Compile an email list to shoot the latest news about your selected subjects to your list.

Resolution #6) A few members with just the right temperament (this right temperament might be discovered during Resolution #5 activity.) might get together to make fundraising calls and putting together fundraising campaigns. Be prepared to convey success in the recent past.

Resolution #7) there need to be some recruiting efforts among College and High School students. One only needs to look around at a local meeting to realize that we are  youth member challenged.

Resolution #7a. Women, we need women. They are the hardest workers.

Resolution #8) with all the time you save by not talking your time away with other libertarians could be spent developing some speaking skills. We could begin to provide speakers, not only for our own educational meetings but also for surrounding counties. Additionally, many non-Libertarian organizations are hungry for speakers for their Educational Meetings. After a few months (months that you may have already invested.), you will be ready for your first speaking engagement.

Resolution #9) We need to activate a group of Libertarians in every City in Orange County gathers in lieu of Signatures for our candidates, so they do not have to buy their way onto the ballot. And these City Groups could keep County Level Leaders informed about City issues.

Resolution #10) this one will take care of itself. When the other Resolutions are adopted, the resulting activity will identify leadership skills. Then elections to the Exec Committee will be hotly contested by eager members with new ideas about future Liberty. 

Last and most important, Resolution #11, make some resolutions of your own. There is nothing like setting a target and hitting it ahead of schedule.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

States as Independent Nations


 by Chuck McGlawn 10/24/2019

[See definition of State at the bottom.]

In the normal process of things when the former ruling body (In this case it was Great Britain.) is deposed a new ruling body is established to fill the void. The American War for Independence against Great Britain lasted from 1775 to 1783. At the beginning of the war, the governments of the 13 colonies were faced with a dilemma. America was striving for independence from the administration of the British but America had not separated from Great Britain and therefore an American government had not been established. During the early stages of the conflict, it was not then supposed that the quarrel with the 'Mother Country' would end in separation.

The existing Colonial governments represented an extension of the British government with a Governor, governor's court, and legal system. In 1773 the Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, disbanded the Virginia House of Burgesses for insubordination to Great Britain. This led to the creation of the Continental Congress. The role of the First Continental Congress was to set forth the views of the people and remonstrate against the conduct of the King and Parliament.

The First Continental Congress (Still an extension of British rule.) petitioned the King and fixed May 10, 1775, as the date on which a second Continental Congress would meet to consider the response to their petition. They didn’t have to wait till May. The response came in January 1775. Britain sent orders prohibiting another meeting of the Congress and sent additional troops to America. In February 1775 Parliament declared that Massachusetts was in a state of rebellion. Matters quickly escalated and on April 18, 1775, the American War of Independence began. The 13 Colonies asked Congress to adopt the American army that had gathered around Boston, and direct the war. Through this chain of events Congress, unexpectedly, became an informal governing body, and began to act as an advisor to each of the colonies.

When the Continental Congress met at Philadelphia on May 10, 1775, The Boston based British government was out and the government of the Massachusetts colony was in their own hands. The Continental Congress advised that no obedience was due to the governor and advised the people to make a temporary government until the King should restore the old charter. Later in 1775, the Continental Congress gave similar advice to New Hampshire and South Carolina.

By the spring of 1776 all of the British Governors of the 13 colonies had either fled or been thrown into prison. The demise of the royal governors had effectively put an end to the colonial government. Continental Congress realized that reconciliation with Great Britain was impossible. On May 15, 1776, Congress advised all the colonies to form their own separate governments. [Note, this is pre-Declaration of Independence.] All but two made new constitutions, but Connecticut and Rhode Island used their old charters. They ALL adopted constitutions, and by doing so turned themselves from British colonies into sovereign and independent States.


Here are the dates that the separate colonies became sovereign Nations, by adopting their own National Constitutions. 

Before Independence was Declared, and long before the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, even longer before the Adoption of the Constitution, and with no clear evidence that there would ever be a separation from mother England, New Hampshire's was the first American colony to adopt a constitution of its own, formally replacing British rule on January 5, 1776. 

The Provincial Congress of South Carolina approves a new constitution and government on March 26, 1776. The legislature renames itself the General Assembly of South Carolina and elects John Rutledge as President, Henry Laurens as Vice President and William Henry Drayton as Chief Justice. 

South Carolina took this action towards independence from Great Britain four months before the Continental Congress declared independence and five months before South Carolina learned of the Declaration. 

Georgia's first attempt at constitutional government was initiated in April 1776 by the Provincial Congress called by the Georgia Trustees in response to a series of mass meetings held throughout the colony. This document provided a framework for the transition from colony to State. 

New Jersey’s first Constitution was adopted on July 2, 1776, shortly before New Jersey ratified the American Declaration of Independence  

The Virginia Convention met in Williamsburg from May 6 through July 5, 1776, unanimously adopted a Declaration of Rights. Then on June 12 and about two weeks later, on June 29, unanimously adopted the first Constitution of the independent State of Virginia.


This constitution was framed by a Convention which assembled at New Castle Delaware, August 27, 1776, in accordance with the recommendation of the Continental Congress that the people of the colonies should form independent State Governments. It was not submitted to the people but was proclaimed September 21, 1776. 

 The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 (ratified September 28, 1776) was the State's first Constitution following the Declaration of Independence. 

As a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of 1779, John Adams was the document's principal author. Voters approved the document on June 15, 1780. It became effective on October 25, 1780, and remains the oldest functioning written constitution in continuous effect in the world.  

Maryland’s first constitution was written in 1776 and adopted by the Ninth Provincial Convention meeting at Annapolis in November. Out of all of the documents adopted during the revolution, it was the least revolutionary. Its frame of government was designed to perpetuate the current government and social order minus the crown. The constitution gave its citizens certain rights and freedom that had not been expressed before the revolution took place. 

The first North Carolina Constitution was adopted on December 18, 1776, after the American Declaration of Independence. 

The first New York state constitution is formally adopted by the Convention of Representatives of the State of New York, meeting in the upstate town of Kingston, on April 20, 1777. 


Rhode Island finally approved its State Constitution with provisional amendments. On August 31, 1790, three months after May 29, 1790, when Rhode Island became the 13th state to enter the Union after ratifying the Constitution.


Connecticut was the last State to draft a State constitution, In 1662, Connecticut was granted governmental authority by King Charles II of England and royal charter. These two documents laid the groundwork for the state’s government but lacked characteristics of what is generally thought of as a constitution.[1] Separate branches of government did not exist during this period, and the General Assembly acted as the supreme authority.[1] A true constitution was not adopted in Connecticut until 1818.  

After most of the Constitutions were written and debated, and finally adopted The Constitutional Convention was ready to submit the US Constitution to the full delegation, but there was just one more choice to make would the Preamble read:  

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.  

Or would they use the original version? 

We the people of the States of New -Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New -York, New -Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, do ordain, declare and establish the following Constitution for the Government of Ourselves and our Posterity.


***States as Independent Nations here is the Google Dictionary delimitation of State as a noun: 

1.     the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. "the state of the company's finances"

synonyms: condition, shape, situation,

2          a nation or the territory considered as an organized political community under one government. Germany, Italy and other European states

Synonyms: country, nation, land, sovereign state, nation-state, kingdom, realm,

       power republic, confederation, federation "an autonomous state"      (emphasis added)

Usage: (Declaration of Independence) “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the  British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which the Independent States may of right do”... (All emphasis added)

United Nations = Nations united  United States = States united or a union of States.

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Introduction: Recapturing the Single Plane Left/Right Political Spectrum

by Chuck McGlawn 12/03/2020

The Most Powerful Tool and the Roadmap to Liberty

The one thing on which almost everyone agrees; Is that the DC Government is too big. Almost all, of the problems faced by the American people can be traced back to the DC Government overstepping its constitutionally delegated powers. Source reported recently that 83% of the American People say The government is too big. (

First, the DC Government Growers discredited the SIMPLE left/right political spectrum. Tell me what could be more descriptive than 100% government [Communist & totalitarian] is the extreme left end of the spectrum. The communist Karl Marx said so. And 0% government [anarchy no government] is the extreme right end of that same spectrum. The Greeks said so. [Anarchy is Greek for no-government.]


Therefore, if your candidate or your issue calls for an increase in governmental power, it does not mean that you are a communist, but you are advocating a move TOWARD 100% GOVERNMENT ON THE LEFT. Conversely, if your candidate or your issue is calling for less governmental power, That does not make you an anarchist, but you are advocating a move TOWARD 0% DC GOVERNMENT ON THE RIGHT.


Things Get Confused

Liberals advocate programs that call for more government most of the time. However, when it comes to personal liberties like cutting the DC Government's power over marijuana use, prostitution, censorship, sex between consenting adults, same-sex marriage, and especially the military draft liberals are decidedly anti-big government. 


Confusion continues; Conservatives advocate programs that call for more government some of the time. However, when it comes to  economic liberties like reducing corporate welfare [that is financial aid to corporations and corporate agriculture], reducing Social Welfare by weeding out fraud and corruption, and advocating free-market principled that generate jobs for all economic levels, reducing foreign aid, getting the DC Government out of Health Care, and Public Education, and local policing Conservatives are mostly anti-big-government. 


 Murray Rothbard was not confused 51 years ago when he referred to himself as an “extreme right-winger” in “Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal” published in 1969 and the author of the first political Platform for the Libertarian Party. Additionally, different segments of the Libertarian Movement was not confused when some dubbed themselves “Minarchist” advocates of minimum DC Government, “Anarcho-Capitalists”, advocating no DC Government in the economic and free-market systems. and “Anarchist”, advocates of no DC government at all.  All of the names have a historical and linguistic connection to the right end of the Single-Plane Left-Right Political Spectrum


To end this confusion we need to, Recapture The Single-Plane Left/Right Political Spectrum that being a spectrum where 100 percent government is the extreme left, and 0% government is the extreme right. See below.

100% government--------------------------------------------------------------------------0% government

                                          Left                                                                                                                        Right                                                                                            

Editor’s note: Your screen should show “left” directly under 100% and “Right directly under 0%s.

 The Single-Plane left/Right Political Spectrum will end the confusion that has labeled Conservatives “right, rightist and right-wing” when some of their agendas call for more government This will end the confusion that has labeled Liberals “left, leftist and left-wing” when some of their agendas call for less government.  


The Single-Plane Left/Right Political Spectrum clears up all the confusion. It will end the marriage of “liberal and left”, and it will end the marriage of “conservative and right”.


The following is very important, read carefully, The Single-Plane Left/Right Political Spectrum will 

divide the small-government conservatives, the ones that are more concerned with  Economic liberties, from the big-government conservatives that are trying to dictate the lifestyles of everyone else. This will unite the small-government conservatives and the libertarians in the mutual-quest to reduce the power of the DC Government


The Single-Plane Left/Right Political Spectrum  will divide the small-government liberals the ones that are more concerned with personal liberties, from the big-government liberals the ones concerned with fixing the disparity between the rich and the poor. This will unite the small-government liberals and the libertarians in the mutual-quest to reduce the power of the DC Government.

For the first time in history “divide and conquer” will be on the side of liberty.  



And gentle reader, the timing could not be more perfect. There is so much confusion surrounding “Right, Rightist, and Right-Wing, that it literally has no real functional meaning at all. This is a perfect time to recapture its real functional meaning (That being right, rightist, and right-wing means an advocate of less government.) A survey about the meaning of “right, rightist and right-wing” would yield a spectrum of answers spanning from White Supremacist”, “isolation"  "Nationalist”, evangelical and Christian rightist, conservative rightist and arch-conservatives, and libertarians". A survey about the meaning of “left, leftist, and left-wing” would not be as broad but it would still be confusing.


  Here it is in one place: Left, Leftist, and Left-Wing is an advocacy of more government

                                  Right, Rightist and Right-Wing is an Advocacy of Less government


PS If you can make it more descriptive and or more instructive and or more SIMPLE then post it quick Liberty needs the help in reducing the source of all of our problems, the power of the DC Government.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

How Conservative Are you? How Liberal Are you? … How Libertarian Are you?

 Pre-Instructions: Highlight and copy (ctrl c) everything below starting with "How Conservative..." Go to a new blank Word Processing and Paste (crtl v)  Duplicate copies are generated with every ctrl v. Take the survey on one of the blanks score it and then send it to

How Conservative Are you?   How Liberal Are you? … How Libertarian Are you?

Read each statement. If you Lean Toward or are Generally Closer to agree then respond with an A. If you Lean Toward or are Generally Closer to disagree then respond with a D. Enter your first response Quickly, do not over-think the statement, it may lead you to an answer that is contrary to your general feelings.  1-10 part one   11-20


Part One

Place an A if you agree with the statement and D if you Disagree. Can’t decide or no opinion just leave blank.

1.      ___ I am generally for strict enforcement of drug laws

2.      ___ I am generally for reducing US foreign aid to other nations 

3.      ___ I am generally for internet sex/porn sites being blocked.

4.      ___ I am generally for the 2nd amendment gun rights.

5.      ___ I am generally opposed to stem cell research.

6.      ___ I am generally for the reduction of Federal taxes

7.      ___ I am generally for more US border control to stop illegal immigration.

8.      ___ I am generally for reducing social welfare.

9.      ___ I am generally for marriage to be defined as between 1 man & 1 woman.

10.    .  ___ I am generally for reducing corporate welfare.

        Corporate welfare is Federal financial assistance to businesses or farms.

Part Two

Place an A if you agree with the statement and D if you Disagree. Can’t decide or no opinion just leave blank.

11.   ___  I am generally for increases in the minimum wage laws.

12.   ___  I am generally for the continuation of NO military draft.

13.   ___  I am generally for saving the Social Security System as is.

14.   ___  I am generally for NO internet censorship.

15.   ___  I am generally for mandating that medical and family leave be paid for by the employer. 

16.   ___  I am generally for fewer laws criminalizing sex between consenting adults.

17.   ___  I am generally for tax-supported preschool.

18.  ____ I am generally for decriminalizing victimless crimes.

19.   ___  I am generally for more stringent pre-gun-sale background checks

20.   ___  I am generally for decriminalizing Prostitution.


Scoring the Survey

How Conservative Are You?

Count the “As” in statements   1 – 10. ___  X 10   = Line 1   ___ 

Count the “Ds” in statements   1 – 10. ___  X 10   = Line 2  ___

Count the “As” in Statements 11 –20  ___  X   5   = Line 3  __ Line 1 minus lines (2&3) ___ =___  Conservative


How Liberal Are You?

Count the “As” in statements   11 – 20. __  X 10   = Line 1   __ 

Count the “Ds” in statements   11 – 20. __  X 10   = Line 2  __

Count the “As” in Statements   1 – 10  ___  X   5   = Line 3  ___ Line 1 minus lines (2&3) ___ =___  Liberal


How Libertarian Are You?

Count  “As” in even No. statements 2-20  ____  X 10=Line 1___

Count “Ds in even No. statements 2-20  ____  X 10=Line 2___

Count “As” in odd No. Statements 1-19  ____   X  5=Line 3 ___ Line 1 minus lines (2&3)___ =___ Libertarian


Scoring the survey may contain some flaws but give it a go.