Vol 08 No 08 Liberty ViewsLetter 02-18-2012
Eighth Year, Issue 314
The announcement of Liberty ViewsLetter goes to 634 up 12 subscribers last week
We invite your comments and feedback. We invite your submissions; articles you have read. Send us a link. Or you can send us something you have written yourself.
Managing Editor Chuck McGlawn Chuckest@aol.com
Contributing Editors
Walter Clark/Paula Clark
Chuck McGlawn
Congratulations, if you are reading this you have successfully responded to and navigated your way to the Eighth issue of our new Liberty Views Website. The format will be much the same as before. Our major sections will be LibertyViews Where we present an abbreviation or Quotes From Commentaries from reliable sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. Starting with the lead article, that we call Your Must Read for the Week. The NewsViews where we will present an abbreviation or Quotes From Liberty significant news articles from very diverse sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. We will also continue to include ChallengeViews, WordViews, ReaderViews, AnnounceViews and Audio/VideoViews. There is another element, least important but most demanding, that being called PersonalViews. Each element is separated by a joke, a quote or some interesting trivia. Please Read on…
PersonalViews While I think Ron Paul for President 2012 is the best plan to STOP, DELAY of SHORTEN the “Storm from the Gathering Clouds”. Even if elected, and circumstances can render that result, it will not eliminate the need for the Liberty of self-sufficiency. Therefore, the Liberty ViewsLetter will include information about the PREPERATION for the Liberty of self-sufficiency. The most important thing you have to do toward that end, you can do during the next week. What you can do is to GET STARTED. For starters, when you do your grocery shopping this week, spend an extra $20.00 on food that you can store for that “Rainy Day”. [Remember the “Gathering Clouds”] The second thing you can do is click on one of the “Preppers Links” included in today’s Liberty Views and take in the information you find there.
We have been doing these Liberty ViewsLetters almost weekly since 1/1/2005. We have shared 35,000 plus pages of valuable Liberty oriented information. However, our efforts, and the efforts of thousands of other has not stemmed the tide of the potential collapse. We are therefore taking the Liberty ViewsLetter to the next stage of the Liberty of self-sufficiency.
We will cover such things as neighborhood cooperation, personal and community vegetable gardens. Preparing your produce for long term storage. Self-protection, budgeting for preparedness, reliable books, and internet sources, gardening etc. Everything related to the Liberty of self-sufficiency
Why is Mickey Mouse bigger than his dog Pluto?
Do pigs ever pull their ham strings?
Your Must See For The Week The Most Vile and Inhumane Immigration Story You Will Read This Week Mike Riggs 02/15/2012
Felipe Montes lived and worked in the United States for nine years. During that time, he held a full-time job, paid his bills, and fathered two children with his wife, Marie. He failed, however, to pay several traffic tickets, or to acquire a driver's license or car insurance. As a result, a 2010 traffic stop ended with Montes being taken to a detention center where he was scheduled for deportation.
Marie Montes gave birth to the couple’s third child while her husband was behind bars. Six weeks later Felipe Montes was deported. Two weeks after that, the Allegheny County child welfare department took all three children from Marie Montes on the grounds that she could not afford to take care of them, and put them in foster care, where two of them have already been abused. [Abused by people that the Allegheny County child welfare department found totally, acceptable as Foster Parents] Color Lines, the publication put out by the immigration reform think tank Applied Research Center, interviewed Montes, his wife, and their neighbors in Sparta, North Carolina. “He was a real good guy and as a worker he could do anything,” said Montes’ former boss. “He loved those kids more than anything. We’d be doing tree work and it’d be kind of dangerous and he’d say, ‘I’ll do this but if something happens you have to take care of the kids, ok?’”
I invite, encourage, entice, influence, pressure, persuade, cajole, coax, plead, request can I demand? Or would a threat of bodily harm move you to read FULL ARTICLE at http://reason.com/blog/2012/02/15/the-most-vile-and-inhumane-immigration-s This is Eye Opening INFORNATION, making it a MUST READ. This article exposes the harm done by our Government’s over zealous tactics. GET THE FACTS CONTAINED IMPRINTED ON YOUR MIND. THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AND BE READY TO PRESENT COGENT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. READ THE FULL ARTICLE and then FORWARD IT TO EVERYONE ON YOUR E-MAILLIST.
A serious drunk walked into a bar and, after staring for some time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her and kissed her. She jumped up and slapped him silly. He immediately apologized and explained, "I'm sorry. I thought you were my wife. You look exactly like her."
"Why you worthless, insufferable, wretched, no good drunk!" she screamed.
"Funny," he muttered, "you even sound exactly like her."
ChallengeViews At noon and midnight, the hour and minute hands are exactly coincident with each other. How many other times between noon and midnight do the hour and minute hands cross? DRB 1860 was first with 11.
This Week’s Challenge. Complete the following quotations correctly
1. A penny for your _______________________________ .
2. Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you ________________
3. Give him an inch, he’ll take________________________
Of the three, how many do you think you got right?_______
Send your answer to Chuckest@aol.com . Answer posted next week.
Why do some realty signs say 'For Sale By Owner'? Who the heck else would be selling it?
Why doesn't TV have a channel #1?
Decency Requires a Minimum-Wage Law? March 2004
Proponents of Minimum-Wage Laws Commit Logical, Economic and Moral Fallacies
August 11, 2003, Los Angeles Times op-ed page, where Republican Douglas MacKinnon argues that anyone who cares about the poor should be ashamed of the failure of the Senate to raise the minimum wage. His essay is a model not only of economic illogic, but of moral illogic also. (Actually, the two are connected.) The economic fallacy MacKinnon commits is the failure to acknowledge that prices for anything, including the cost of buying someone’s labor power, depend not only on aggregate supply and demand, but also on the economic priorities (“values”) of individual buyers (and sellers). In other words, “demand” refers not only to the number of people who desire something, but also to the (variable) intensity with which a particular buyer desires it. Based solely on aggregate supply and demand, I could have someone else mow my lawn for around $30, but for the most part I am content to mow my own lawn. If it cost 30 cents, however, I would surely hire someone else to do it. The act of mowing my lawn has no fixed, predetermined “worth.” [This is BASIC information. A knowledge bank must have,.FULL ARTICLE at http://www.thefreemanonline.org/featured/decency-requires-a-minimum-wage-law-it-just-aint-so/
A man and his wife were making their first doctor visit prior to the birth of their first child. After everything checked out, the doctor took a small stamp and stamped the wife's stomach with indelible ink. The couple was curious about what the stamp was for, so when they got home, he dug out his magnifying glass to try to see what it was. In very tiny letters, the stamp said, "When you can read this without needing a magnifying glass, come back and see me."
Quotes From
Thousands of Kids Lost From Parents In U.S. Deportation System
Clara’s eldest kid was 6 years old and her youngest just a year old when it happened. Josefina’s baby was 9 months. All three children were ripped from their mothers and sent to live in foster homes with strangers. Clara and Josefina, sisters in their early 30s who lived together in a small northern New Mexico town, had done nothing to harm their children or to elicit the attention of the child welfare department. Yet one morning last year, their family was shattered when federal immigration authorities detained both sisters. Clara begged them to let her call a friend who could come pick up the children. The agents refused. Clara and Josefina were deported four months later.
According to over 100 child welfare caseworkers and attorneys, we interviewed around the country, as rates of deportations increase, so do the numbers of children from immigrant families in foster care. Indeed, federal data released to the Applied Research Center through a Freedom of Information Act request shows that almost one in four people deported in the last year was the mother or father of a United States citizen.
Roberta is one such parent. Almost a year ago, she was arrested on a drunken driving charge that would likely have triggered only a short interruption in her child custody, if she were a citizen. Instead, it threatens to result in the termination of the 35-year-old’s parental rights, because she is an undocumented immigrant and was deported after being charged.
PS At least 5100 children who are presently in foster care whose parents have been detained or deported. Read More at http://tinyurl.com/LibertyViewsImmigration314-1
Why do we struggle to find the closest parking place when we go to the mall, then spend three hours walking all over the place?
Why do women go out and get a "permanent" every six months?
Ayn Rand Was an Illegal Immigrant Shikha Dalmia 02/14/2012
Reason Foundation's Shikha Dalmia details how Ayn Rand came to America and her battle to stay here, writing, "...this proud naturalized American, who arguably did more than any contemporary figure to restore the faith of Americans in America, might have been hounded out of the country if one of our current crop of Republican hopefuls had been president when she arrived. Why? Because Rand lied and bent every rule to gain entry into the United States. As a vehement anti-Bolshevist, she knew that she would die waiting in line if she applied for permission to permanently relocate to America, although that's exactly what she intended to do." Dalmia says Rand's experience reveals how today's immigration debate fails to distinguish between "serious criminals and petty visa violators." http://reason.com/archives/2012/02/14/ayn-rand-was-an-illegal-immigrant
Groan Zone
A young man was in love with two women and could not decide which to marry. Finally he went to a marriage counselor. When asked to describe his two loves, he noted that one was a great poet and the other made delicious cakes, muffins, cookies and pancakes.
"Oh," said the counselor, "I see what the problem is. You can't decide whether to marry for batter or verse."
"Oh," said the counselor, "I see what the problem is. You can't decide whether to marry for batter or verse."
Audio/VedioViews Food Storage - List of 25 Essential Foods
Dear Readers, When [That is WHEN not IF] those pieces of paper that you carry in your pocket will not be taken in exchange for goods and services, it will be too late to prepare. So, you should start preparing RIGHT NOW. GET STARTED NOW
Signs You Have Already Grownup
~ You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.
~ Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
~ You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.
~ Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
~ You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.
~ Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.
~ MTV News is no longer your primary source for information.
~ You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen & antacids, not condoms & pregnancy test kits.
~ Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
~ You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.
~ Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
~ You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.
~ Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.
~ MTV News is no longer your primary source for information.
~ You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen & antacids, not condoms & pregnancy test kits.
More LibertyViews: Just a headline, a grabber and a link.
The 7 Types of Gear you must have in your Bug Out Bag
For someone new to being a Survivalist building your first Bug Out Bag is hard to know where to start. Read this for the basics. http://survivalcache.com/bug-out-bag/
The 3 things you will always need in an Urban Survival situation
1. Get Home Bag (GHB) 2. A Bug Out Plan 3. A Bug In Plan
1, 2, 3 sounds simple, but there are tons of resource information at this link. I suggest you make it a favorite place and visit it often. http://survivalcache.com/urban-survival/
Water Purification and Survival: Part 1
Most important to survival is a good water supply. Our body is made up of about 60-80% water and cannot maintain its efficiency without a minimum of its daily water requirements. Important info at http://survivalcache.com/water-purification-survival/
Immigration hearings begin in House By Andy Marso 02/13/2012
THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL A House committee heard testimony on a bill to allow Kansas to support undocumented workers in labor-hungry industries Monday — the first of five days devoted to a wide variety of immigration legislation.
Monday's bill was supported by Rep. Reynaldo Mesa, the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, former Agriculture Secretary Allie Devine and a state religious leader. But several members of the committee seemed concerned it might cause employers to run afoul of federal immigration law.Devine said federal law currently allows any person or entity to sponsor someone in their application for legal status and that was the goal of the bill — to identify and screen workers in Kansas industries that have labor shortages and offer to support them in the immigration process. Devine said Kansas businesses want the labor and immigrants want the jobs. “We’re asking the state of Kansas to support nonviolent aliens in their quest to become lawful,” Devine said. “They deserve our dignity and respect and an avenue to become lawful." http://cjonline.com/news/2012-02-13/immigration-hearings-begin-house
A man fresh out of gift ideas, bought his grandmother a large plot in an expensive cemetery. On her next birthday, he bought her nothing. She was quick to comment loud and long on his thoughtlessness. The man said only one thing - "Well, you haven't used the gift I gave you last year."
KS: Explosives found near statehouse during Know-Nothing appeasement hearings
Source: Fox News
Capitol Police spokesman Patrick Saleh said the homemade explosives [found in a parked truck] were made with household materials and designed to spray shrapnel once they were detonated. ... The pickup incident, as well as a phoned-in threat to Kansas Gov. Brownback's office, came the same day a Kansas House committee opened three days of hearings on several bills designed to crack down on illegal immigration [sic], backed by Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a former law professor who helped draft tough laws in Alabama and Arizona." (02/16/12) http://bit.ly/xLdnlk
Why do people view a glass as "half empty" or "half full" when actually the glass is just too big?
Why do ballerinas dance on the tips of their toes? Couldn't they just get taller girls?
SAF appeals judge's dismissal of Moore v. Madigan carry case
Source: Liberty For All
"The Second Amendment Foundation immediately filed an appeal following dismissal of its challenge to Illinois statutes that prohibit the carrying of loaded firearms outside the home for personal protection in the case of Moore v. Madigan. The case is named for individual plaintiff Michael Moore, and defendant Lisa Madigan in her capacity as Illinois Attorney General." (02/16/12) http://www.libertyforall.net/?p=7281
A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
Today a dime is a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
The trouble with being a breadwinner nowadays is that the Government is in for such a big slice.
New voice in drug war debate: Central American business
Christian Science Monitor (02/16/12)
Legalizing drugs in an effort to combat organized crime, narco-trafficking and gang violence in Latin America has gained traction in recent months. Presidents from Guatemala and Colombia have raised the possibility of legalization in their countries and the region, with politicians from Costa Rica, Mexico and El Salvador joining the debate. Though decriminalization doesn't guarantee an end to violent organized crime in the Americas, it could free up government resources and potentially divert profits away from traffickers, supporters say." [editor's note: Logic comes to Central America at last; how
long before it seeps into this land ... or the UN? - SAT] http://tinyurl.com/74knogu
The reward for saving your money is being able to pay your taxes without borrowing.
It's hard to believe that America was founded to avoid taxes.
There is nothing the Federal Government can give you without taking it away from you first.
Money isn't everything; in fact sometimes it isn't even enough.
More NewsViews Just a headline, a grabber and a link..
Changes coming to immigration law , no repeal Montgomery Advertiser 02/12/2012
Rep. Micky Hammon, R-Decatur, & Sen. Scott Beason, R-Gardendale, said no section of the law will be repealed, even those that have been enjoined by federal courts. read more
Georgia governor: No plans to change immigration law 02/14/2012 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday said he was not seeking changes to Georgia's new anti-illegal immigration law despite its unintended consequences, including migrant farmworker shortages. The Republican governor . . . indicated he wanted to spend more time assessing how it is working. read more
Home health industry fights minimum wage rule By Kelly Kennedy, USA TODAY
Obama administration proposal to require them to pay their workers the minimum wage, despite data showing that the industry was one of the few nationally to maintain profits during the worst of the recession.” http://tinyurl.com/LibertyViews-Min-Wage314
Another thing I'll never learn,
Tho it's plain to some, I know
Is why it’s called a “Tax Return"
When you’re giving them the dough.
Tho it's plain to some, I know
Is why it’s called a “Tax Return"
When you’re giving them the dough.
WordViews by Walt Clark
chimerical ky-MER-i-kul (adjective): Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; produced by a wildly fanciful imagination; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought.
illusory (adjective form of illusion) Illusory is as fictional as chimerical, but illusory has no one to blame, where chimerical is usually someone’s invention.
figmental (adjective form of figment) Figmental is a good word to use because it sounds fresh yet everyone knows what it means by its association with the expression “figment of the imagination.”
delusive; (adjective form of delusion) Delusive is more false than fanciful. To be delusive is to be on-purpose misleading, whereas to be chimerical is usually harmless in its fiction
WORD WISE: Chimerical is from Chimaera, which in Greek mythology was a monster represented as vomiting flames, and as having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon.
QUOTE: "Spanish galleons, of course, hold out the prospect
(usually chimerical) of caskets of jewels and sacks of
--James Hamilton-Paterson, Three Miles Down
If your Goals require the initiation of force, then reevaluate your Goals.