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Sunday, October 11, 2020

How Conservative Are you? How Liberal Are you? … How Libertarian Are you?

 Pre-Instructions: Highlight and copy (ctrl c) everything below starting with "How Conservative..." Go to a new blank Word Processing and Paste (crtl v)  Duplicate copies are generated with every ctrl v. Take the survey on one of the blanks score it and then send it to

How Conservative Are you?   How Liberal Are you? … How Libertarian Are you?

Read each statement. If you Lean Toward or are Generally Closer to agree then respond with an A. If you Lean Toward or are Generally Closer to disagree then respond with a D. Enter your first response Quickly, do not over-think the statement, it may lead you to an answer that is contrary to your general feelings.  1-10 part one   11-20


Part One

Place an A if you agree with the statement and D if you Disagree. Can’t decide or no opinion just leave blank.

1.      ___ I am generally for strict enforcement of drug laws

2.      ___ I am generally for reducing US foreign aid to other nations 

3.      ___ I am generally for internet sex/porn sites being blocked.

4.      ___ I am generally for the 2nd amendment gun rights.

5.      ___ I am generally opposed to stem cell research.

6.      ___ I am generally for the reduction of Federal taxes

7.      ___ I am generally for more US border control to stop illegal immigration.

8.      ___ I am generally for reducing social welfare.

9.      ___ I am generally for marriage to be defined as between 1 man & 1 woman.

10.    .  ___ I am generally for reducing corporate welfare.

        Corporate welfare is Federal financial assistance to businesses or farms.

Part Two

Place an A if you agree with the statement and D if you Disagree. Can’t decide or no opinion just leave blank.

11.   ___  I am generally for increases in the minimum wage laws.

12.   ___  I am generally for the continuation of NO military draft.

13.   ___  I am generally for saving the Social Security System as is.

14.   ___  I am generally for NO internet censorship.

15.   ___  I am generally for mandating that medical and family leave be paid for by the employer. 

16.   ___  I am generally for fewer laws criminalizing sex between consenting adults.

17.   ___  I am generally for tax-supported preschool.

18.  ____ I am generally for decriminalizing victimless crimes.

19.   ___  I am generally for more stringent pre-gun-sale background checks

20.   ___  I am generally for decriminalizing Prostitution.


Scoring the Survey

How Conservative Are You?

Count the “As” in statements   1 – 10. ___  X 10   = Line 1   ___ 

Count the “Ds” in statements   1 – 10. ___  X 10   = Line 2  ___

Count the “As” in Statements 11 –20  ___  X   5   = Line 3  __ Line 1 minus lines (2&3) ___ =___  Conservative


How Liberal Are You?

Count the “As” in statements   11 – 20. __  X 10   = Line 1   __ 

Count the “Ds” in statements   11 – 20. __  X 10   = Line 2  __

Count the “As” in Statements   1 – 10  ___  X   5   = Line 3  ___ Line 1 minus lines (2&3) ___ =___  Liberal


How Libertarian Are You?

Count  “As” in even No. statements 2-20  ____  X 10=Line 1___

Count “Ds in even No. statements 2-20  ____  X 10=Line 2___

Count “As” in odd No. Statements 1-19  ____   X  5=Line 3 ___ Line 1 minus lines (2&3)___ =___ Libertarian


Scoring the survey may contain some flaws but give it a go.

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