Vol 08 No 05 Liberty ViewsLetter 01-28-2012
Eighth Year, Issue 311
The announcement of Liberty ViewsLetter goes to 628 up 14 subscribers last week
We invite your comments and feedback. We invite your submissions; articles you have read. Send us a link. Or you can send us something you have written yourself.
Managing Editor Chuck McGlawn Chuckest@aol.com
Contributing Editors
Walter Clark/Paula Clark
Chuck McGlawn
Congratulations, if you are reading this you have successfully responded to and navigated your way to the Fifth issue of our new Liberty Views Website. The format will be much the same as before. Our major sections will be LibertyViews Where we present an abbreviation or Quotes From Commentaries from reliable sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. Starting with the lead article, that we call Your Must Read for the Week. The NewsViews where we will present an abbreviation or Quotes From Liberty significant news articles from very diverse sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. We will also continue to include ChallengeViews, WordViews, ReaderViews, AnnounceViews and Audio/VideoViews. There is another element, least important but most demanding, that being called PersonalViews. Each element is separated by a joke, a quote or some interesting trivia. Please Read on…
The belief that by spending more, the federal government can revive the economy by increasing aggregate demand is an example of the triumph of hope over experience. Many people excuse the recent failures of such stimulus spending with the claim that the spending simply wasn't large enough. This demand-side view is oblivious to the supply-side reality that demanding more does no good unless more has been, or will be, produced. The logic of this reality explains why trying to increase aggregate demand through increased federal spending is not the key to stimulating the economy. The problem is not that aggregate demand is unimportant—it is very important. The problem is that increased real aggregate demand is the result, not the cause, of an increasingly productive and prosperous economy
I invite, encourage, entice, influence, pressure, persuade, cajole, coax, plead, request can I demand? Or would a threat of bodily harm move you to read FULL ARTICLE at http://tinyurl.com/LibertyViews-MustRead311 This is NECESSARY INFORNATION, making it a MUST READ. This article is “Chuckfull” very basic information and analysis. GET THE FACTS CONTAINED IMPRINTED ON YOUR MIND. THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AND BE READY TO PRESENT COGENT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. READ THE FULL ARTICLE and then FORWARD IT TO EVERYONE ON YOUR E-MAILLIST.
One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma."
And they say blondes are dumb...
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma."
And they say blondes are dumb...
PersonalViews. Next Week
Ron Paul for President 2012.
If a tree fell on a mime, would he make a sound?
A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "I am going to make you the happiest
woman in the world." The woman replies, "I'll miss you..".
woman in the world." The woman replies, "I'll miss you..".
ChallengeViews Name six or more things that you can wear on your feet,
that begin with the letter "s." John Foster was first with: sox, shoes, sandals, slippers, sneakers, swim fins, skates, skis, snowboard, snow shoes
that begin with the letter "s." John Foster was first with: sox, shoes, sandals, slippers, sneakers, swim fins, skates, skis, snowboard, snow shoes
This Week’s Challenge. There is only one vegetable that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. What is it? Send your answer to Chuckest@aol.com . Answer posted next week.
PLEASE NOTICE: You may have noticed the increased amount of notices for
you to notice. Some of our notices have not been noticed. This is very
noticeable. It has been noticed that the responses to the notices have been
noticeably unnoticed. This notice is to remind you to notice the notices and
respond to the notices because we do not want the notices to go unnoticed.
The Department of Notification
ReaderViews Place your ReaderViews in Comments on the blog.
Immigrant Entrepreneurs Helping Drive Job Growth In The U.S.
by Resources for Entrepreneurs Staff 1/27/2012
Report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Immigration Policy Center reveals that immigrant businesses create jobs and strengthen the U.S. economy.
A joint report released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) points to the importance of immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S. economy and initiates calls for policymakers to shape legislation making it easier for global entrepreneurs to launch businesses in the U.S.
"There is very little disagreement among researchers and experts that immigrant entrepreneurship is a powerful and valuable asset to America's economic future," said Benjamin Johnson, executive director of the American Immigration Council. When new immigrant workers and consumers are present in a local community, businesses expand and additional jobs are created. The IPC points out that immigrants and native-born workers typically don't compete in the same job markets due to differences in education, occupations and other factors. Instead, the two labor forces complement each other, raising the productivity and wages of native-born workers. Read the FULL ARTICLE at, http://tinyurl.com/LibertyViews311a
To do is to be. -Descartes
To be is to do. -Voltaire
Do be do be do. -Frank Sinatra
Quotes from (All emphasis added)
Repeal Alabama's immigration law By Raul Reyes
All the unintended consequences that forced lawmakers to backtrack on the law.
Agriculture industry. Farmers face a crisis because migrant workers have fled the state, and U.S. workers haven't filled the gaps.--- Officials are considering using work-release prisoners to fill the jobs.
Business reputation. A Mercedes-Benz executive was arrested for driving without proper identification required under the new law.--- Two weeks later, a Honda official was ticketed for driving without a proper license.
Legal residents. Renewing a state license requires proof of citizenship. Causing long lines at courthouses and city halls, which equals lost hours of productivity.
Local businesses, schools and clinics. As many undocumented workers and their families have fled Alabama, businesses that catered to them have closed, depriving the state of tax revenue. --- Alabama's undocumented population collectively paid $130 million in state and local taxes in 2010. --- The Alabama Department of Education reports that hundreds of Hispanic students have stopped going to school since the law took effect. Read the FULL ARTICLE at http://tinyurl.com/Immigration-LibertyViews311B
Q: Why do little boys whine?
A: They are practicing to be men.
Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling
your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.
Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"
A: They are practicing to be men.
Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling
your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.
Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"
Audio/VedioViews Next Week
Ron Paul Highlights at the Republican NBC News Debate in Florida
Ron Paul Highlights of 1/19/2012 CNN Debate
A man and his wife, now in their 60's, were celebrating their 40th wedding
anniversary. On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that
because they had been so good that each one of them could have one wish. The
wife wished for a trip around the world with her husband.
Whoosh! Immediately she had airline/cruise tickets in her hands.
The man wished for a female companion 30 years younger... Whoosh...immediately
he turned ninety!!!
anniversary. On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that
because they had been so good that each one of them could have one wish. The
wife wished for a trip around the world with her husband.
Whoosh! Immediately she had airline/cruise tickets in her hands.
The man wished for a female companion 30 years younger... Whoosh...immediately
he turned ninety!!!
More LibertyViews: Just a headline, a grabber and a link.
Ethnic Entrepreneurs Written by Nidhi Ann Raj for Gaebler Ventures
When millions of immigrant entrepreneurs set up business, they face challenges. Despite that, they boost the economy of their host countries. http://www.gaebler.com/Ethnic-Entrepreneurs.htm
Spend a $2 bill at Starbucks on Feb. 14 by Robert Farago Truth About Guns (01/25/12)
Reward Starbucks for its letter-of-the-law firearms policy. Buy something with a two dollar bill on Feb. 14th http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng
Thou shalt not covet by Jacob G. Hornberger Future of Freedom Foundation
President Obama says that people are poor because others are rich. What a crock that is. (01/26/12) http://www.fff.org/blog/jghblog2012-01-26.asp
Georgia bill would delay E-Verify for small businesses Associated Press
January 26, 2012 Reps. Glenn Baker (D-Jonesboro) and Mack Jackson (D-Sandersville) filed legislation that would extend the deadline before companies are required to use the federal E-Verify database to screen new hires. [The] plan would push back the database deadline for small companies with more than 10 but fewer than 50 employees from 2013 to 2015 . . . read more
What do "Occasional Tables" do for the rest of the time?
Why isn't 11 and 12 pronounced "onety-one and onety two"?
Georgia Democrats seek to repeal tough immigration law
Atlanta Journal-Constitution January 23, 2012
Democratic state lawmakers say they will seek to repeal parts of Georgia’s tough new immigration enforcement law . . . but the chances of such a repeal passing this year are slim. Georgia’s Republican-controlled Legislature overwhelmingly approved House Bill 87 in April before Republican Gov. Nathan Deal signed it into law in May . . . read more
Atlanta Journal-Constitution January 23, 2012
Democratic state lawmakers say they will seek to repeal parts of Georgia’s tough new immigration enforcement law . . . but the chances of such a repeal passing this year are slim. Georgia’s Republican-controlled Legislature overwhelmingly approved House Bill 87 in April before Republican Gov. Nathan Deal signed it into law in May . . . read more
If a case of the clap spreads, is it then considered a case of the applause?
If soap makes things clean, why does it leave a scum?
Iran is ready to return to nuclear talks Source: Southern California Press-Enterprise
"Iran is ready to revive talks with the U.S. and other world powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday, but suggested that Tehran's foes will have to make compromises to prevent negotiations from again collapsing in stalemate. Iran's insistence that it will never give up uranium enrichment -- the process that makes material for reactors as well as weapons -- scuttled negotiations a year ago and still looms as a potential deal breaker even as tougher Western sanctions target Iran's critical oil exports." (01/26/12) http://tinyurl.com/878ascb
"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he ?stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.
More NewsViews Just a headline, a grabber and a link..
NY: Embarrassing "SHCOOL" sign replaced Source: Yahoo! News 01/25/11
"An embarrassing misspelling of 'school' is gone from the street outside the Manhattan building that houses three schools had been there since July 2010." http://yhoo.it/z2escq
Poland signs on to Internet censorship treaty Atlanta Journal-Constitution 01/26/12
"Poland signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, Hundreds of people took to the streets to express their anger over the treaty." http://tinyurl.com/6vpjubq
US seeks greater military presence in Philippines Source: MSNBC (01/25/12)
Expanding the U.S. military presence to counter China in the Pacific. RON PAUL NEEDED HERE. http://tinyurl.com/7vttw7d
What do they call male meter maids? Meter butlers?
Why do they advertise the "World Famous, Secret Caverns"? Which is it, Famous or Secret?
WordViews by Walt Clark
fiduciary fih-DOO-shee-AIR-ee (adjective) : Relating to the holding of something
in trust for another.
in trust for another.
property is the most general of words that means ownership; a word that for libertarians
almost defines what humans are
almost defines what humans are
belongings are the temporary and portable version of owned things
holdings is close to fiduciary in that in a context of money means of value, closely
WORD WISE: Fiduciary comes from Latin fiduciarius, from
fiducia, "trust," and is related to faith and fidelity.
QUOTE: "Corporate boards, whose members are elected by share-
holders, bear the ultimate legal and fiduciary responsibility
for the company's performance."
--John Maggs, "Out of the Loop," National Journal, March 9,