Vol 08 No 01 Liberty ViewsLetter 01-01-2012
Eighth Year, Issue 308
The announcement of a new Liberty ViewsLetterBlog Post goes to 588 subscribers
We invite your comments and feedback. We invite your submissions; articles you have read. Send us a link. Or you can send us something you have written yourself.
Managing Editor Chuck McGlawn Chuckest@aol.com
Contributing Editors
Walter Clark/Paula Clark
Will Otey
Chuck McGlawn
Congratulations, if you are reading this you have successfully responded to and navigated your way to our new Website. The format will be much the same as before. Our major sections will be LibertyViews Where we will abbreviate Commentaries from very reliable sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. Starting with the lead article, that we call Your Must Read for the Week. The NewsViews where we will abbreviate news articles from very diverse sources with links to the FULL ARTICLE. We will also continue to include ChallengeViews, WordViews, ReaderViews, AnnounceViews and Audio/VideoViews. There is another element, least important but most demanding, that being called PersonalViews. Each element is separated by a joke, a quote or some interesting trivia.
Why Do GOP Bosses Fear Ron Paul? John Nichols on December 21, 2011 -
Ron Paul represents the ideology that Republican insiders most fear: conservatism. Not the corrupt, inside-the-beltway construct that goes by that name, but actual conservatism.
And if he wins the Iowa Republican Caucus vote on January 3—a real, though far from certain, prospect—the party bosses will have to do everything in their power to prevent Paul from reasserting the values of the “old-right” Republicans who once stood, steadily and without apology, in opposition to wars of whim and assaults on individual liberty.Make no mistake, the party bosses are horrified at the notion that a genuine conservative might grab the Iowa headlines from the false prophets. Already, they are claiming a Paul win won’t mean anything. Please read the FULL ARTICLE at http://www.thenation.com/blog/165290/why-do-gop-bosses-fear-ron-paul
I would like to invite, encourage, entice, influence, pressure, persuade, cajole, coax, plead, request can I demand? Or would a threat of bodily harm move you to read both FULL ARTICLES links above. This is NECESSARY INFORNATION, making it a MUST READ. GET THE FACTS CONTAINED IMPRINTED ON YOUR MIND. THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AND BE READY TO PRESENT COGENT INFORMATION ABOUT WHY THEY MUST UNDERMINE RON PAUL. READ THE FULL ARTICLE and then FORWARD IT TO EVERYONE ON YOUR E-MAILLIST.
From FreedomFrank, of the Campaign for Liberty, The time is now. Your knowledge bank is filled with reason for Republicans (and Democrats alike) to support Ron Paul for President in 2012. You are prepared to help Ron Paul on many fronts. You can make phone calls. Your friends and relatives are just waiting for studied reasons to support Ron Paul. Equip yourself with answers to, “I like Ron Paul, but he can’t win.” Ask your friends and relatives, why has the mantra, “Anybody but Obama” morphed overnight into “Anybody but Paul?” Why are they afraid of Paul if he can’t win?
Large groups of sign waves convey an important message to a much, much large group of passers by. You be a part of those groups make them so large that they require the Police to help contain them. A police presents just draws more attention.
Nothing is more effective than
And after a sign waving event, or some “walking and knocking” come home get yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and turn on your computer get your keyboard in your lap prop up your feet and blog away. The attacks on Ron Paul the last two weeks are deafening and we can flood their “Comment” section with the truth about Ron Paul. Make your message short mention Ron Paul as often as you well can.
In effect you will have tapped into their reader base with a short reasoned support for Ron Paul. We understand Liberty, and must not hold back. I recommend you counter all Ron Paul attacks at: http://octeapartyblog.com/.
PersonalViews By Chuck McGlawn
We have observed the “I hate President Obama” go from a trickle to Niagara Falls. Then grow into almost a Cottage Industry. Frankly, we wondered why. Republicans out of power were able to prevent him from really accomplishing anything. He got the Health bill passed, But I do not think it will ever be implemented. It will be stopped by the Court of repealed by a R and D coalition.
Bush on the other hand, started two wars, passed Patriot Act one and two. Homeland Security, TSA, Military Commissions Act, No Child Left Behind, doubled the budget of the Dept. of Education, Corporate Bailouts etc, etc, etc.But Obama’s inability to actually do anything didn’t stop the haters. As a publisher of a Libertarian/Conservative Views Letter I would get the e-mails from everyone. We would receive as many as 40 per day, with 5 to 10 copies of the very same message. Like ripples in a lake the repeats were many at first then dwindle down to fewer and fewer then none. But they never die. Four months later here it would come again, sometimes coupled with another newer message.
Even the passage of the NDAA, the most Liberty destroying legislation did not increase the “I hate President Obama” e-mails. That could be because it was almost a Rep. program.
That was way too much of an introduction to my point. That being the same tactic is being used on Ron Paul. It is as if the dinner bell rang and everyone came to the “Anybody but Ron Paul” table. Republicans, Conservatives, Democrats (some of them were already at the table, but many moved from the “Anyone but a Republican” table. And they are all banging the knives and forks in a “Get Ron Paul rant.”
Some of the surprise attendees at the table is the entire crew ay KRLA “Intelligent Conservative Radio” 870 on your LA/OC radio dial. They include, (I have not listened to them all) Glenn Beck, 6 to 9am, Dennis Prager 9 to noon, Michael Medved, Noon to 3 pm Huge Hewitt, 3 to 6 pm and Dennis Miller 9 to midnight.
Now it is not a choirs, with everybody singing the same song. Each of them have their own parts to play. Beck Loves Paul on everything but his foreign policy. But he is not quite sure Paul would be an improvement over Obama. Prager takes a religious stance, you know No drug legalization and no legalized prostitution. Medved covers almost everything: He can’t win, he shouldn’t win, Paul is anti Israel, and an isolationist, and the last guy that should be trusted with Head of State status. I do not catch Hewitt much, but today he said he would vote for Obama over Paul. Hewitt must not on the Hate Obama mailing list. The COOL Dennis Miller lauds Paul on many things, but is just not sure about his foreign policy.
My recommendation to Republicans is to find out more about Ron Paul. If you do you will vote for him in the Primary. For Paulistas, reread C4L Frank’s program and go to it. Conservatives should contact any anti-Paulist and tell them they are wrong, and withhold your support until they change their tune. And Libertarians, do what I am doing: register Republican, join Freedom Frank of C4L support Ron Paul with ever fiber of your being, and vote for him in the primary in June. And if he should get the Republican nomination continue to campaign for him. Join the “I hate Obama” transmission belt and forward all them “Anybody But Obama” e-mails.
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
In order to buy arsenic you need a legal prescription. A picture of your mother-in-law just isn't enough.
ChallengeViews (last week answer here.)
This Week’s Challenge. A military collector was shopping with a friend when they found the following Medal:
To Captain Hendry
for Bravery, Leadership and Daring.
During WWI
from the Troops of the 8th Battalion.
for Bravery, Leadership and Daring.
During WWI
from the Troops of the 8th Battalion.
The friend said. “Do not buy it, it is a fake.” How did the friend know it was a fake? Justify your answer Send your answer to Chuckest@aol.com . Answer posted next week.
There are only two rules for ultimate success in life:
1.Never divulge everything you know.
Entropy isn't what it used to be.
ReaderViews This feature my go defunct with the built in “Comment” section.
He'a A Blond
I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up my car, I was told that the keys had been accidentally locked in it. In the service department I found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As I watched from the passenger's side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered it was open. "Hey," I announced to the technician, "It's open!"
"I know," answered the young man. "I already got that side."
Ron Paul and the future of American foreign policy by Justin Raimondo
Antiwar.com "Rabinowitz and McQuaid and the rest of the hate-mongers, who come up with a fresh Enemy every time we knock off the old one, or tire of the task, know who their real enemy is -- and it isn't the President of Iran, or the Communist Party of China. It's those patriotic Americans who believe we ought to be putting the interests of Americans first -- and that the empire is an albatross hung around our necks." (12/30/11)
Antiwar.com "Rabinowitz and McQuaid and the rest of the hate-mongers, who come up with a fresh Enemy every time we knock off the old one, or tire of the task, know who their real enemy is -- and it isn't the President of Iran, or the Communist Party of China. It's those patriotic Americans who believe we ought to be putting the interests of Americans first -- and that the empire is an albatross hung around our necks." (12/30/11)
[You will want to read this to better understand why Ron Paul is in the cross hairs of virtually EVERONE.] Read it at http://bit.ly/vx4lSw
~ You Know You Are Fat When
~ You could sell shade.
~ When you cross the street, cars look out for you.
~ When you turn around, people throw you a welcome back party.
~ You can't even jump to a conclusion.
~ You went to the movies and sat next to everyone.
Ron Paul is a disaster for Republicans and Democrats, but not for America's freedoms by Dave Duffy Backwoods Home (12/29/11)Old guard Democrats [as we all expect] are scared stiff of Ron Paul. Strangely Paul is terrifying to the old guard of the Republican Party. With Paul we get an end the War On Drugs, thereby ending the drug cartels, emptying our prisons of marijuana users, and undercutting the corruption of our police, judiciary, and political system that attends the drug war.
Repealing the Patriot Act will help restore our personal liberties. The Patriot Act would have put all our Founding Fathers in prison, just as it can put any one of us in prison for all sorts of vague conspiratorial crimes.
Slashing our military spending and pulling out of Afghanistan will go a long way toward eliminating America’s debt. We are in 120 foreign countries right now, not just Afghanistan. Getting out of Afghanistan is just the tip of the iceberg. Ending our role as the policeman of the world [or bully in the school yard] would bring all that money back home. Read it all at http://bit.ly/rzkwoU
Signs Your New Car is a Lemon
~ Disqualified from Soapbox Derby for lack of structural integrity.
~ Car has spent more time on "60 Minutes" than on the road.
~ Oil spills on your driveway prompt a visit from Greenpeace.
~ Changing the pre-set radio stations voids the warranty.
~ Two Words: Pontiac Sunkist
~ Manufactured in Zchkynk, Crzyktjkystan.
~ Motor Trend never mentioned a "Chevrolet Caca."
Warning Warning. Distortions Ahead
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
I've never had money problems. Just lack of money problems
Save your money. it may become valuable again someday.
More LibertyViews: Just a headline, a grabber and a link.
The anti-Ron Paul Axis of "Decency" by Will Grigg Pro Libertate
"Newt Gingrich, lapsed adulterer, unrepentant warmonger, and self- appointed 'teacher of civilization,' has excommunicated Ron Paul and his supporters from the ranks of human decency for rejecting the fundamental tenet of statism (12/29/11) http://bit.ly/u0fRSc
"Newt Gingrich, lapsed adulterer, unrepentant warmonger, and self- appointed 'teacher of civilization,' has excommunicated Ron Paul and his supporters from the ranks of human decency for rejecting the fundamental tenet of statism (12/29/11) http://bit.ly/u0fRSc
America's businesses get it: Immigration is good by David Bier 12/28/11 OpenMarket.org The primary victims of harsh immigration laws are business owners who must verify immigration status. This burdensome heavy-handed government regulations that conservatives rail against in every other area. http://tinyurl.com/cwd3tzd
The case for austerity by Andrew P. Napolitano LewRockwell.com 12/29/11
Government can notbe made to operate as a business,. Business is subject to the forces of free choice, supply and demand, and competition. Can you imagine government permitting us to ignore it? http://lewrockwell.com/napolitano/napolitano34.1.html
Government can notbe made to operate as a business,. Business is subject to the forces of free choice, supply and demand, and competition. Can you imagine government permitting us to ignore it? http://lewrockwell.com/napolitano/napolitano34.1.html
When you cross an elephant and a skin doctor you get a pachydermatologist
There is too much youth, how about a fountain of smart.
Obama regime sets up new hotline for immigration abductees CNN
"In the latest volley between the federal government and states pushing
anti-illegal-immigration laws, the Obama administration announced Thursday
it was establishing a new hotline for immigration detainees who feel they
'may be U.S. citizens or victims of a crime.' The 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week
hotline is part of a 'broader effort to improve our immigration enforcement process and prioritize resources to focus on threats to public safety...'" (12/29/11) Read the FULL ARTICLE at, http://tinyurl.com/6np2esm
anti-illegal-immigration laws, the Obama administration announced Thursday
it was establishing a new hotline for immigration detainees who feel they
'may be U.S. citizens or victims of a crime.' The 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week
hotline is part of a 'broader effort to improve our immigration enforcement process and prioritize resources to focus on threats to public safety...'" (12/29/11) Read the FULL ARTICLE at, http://tinyurl.com/6np2esm
One nice thing about egotists: They don't talk about other people.
Bigamy is having one wife too many. Some say monogamy is the same.
Life teaches: that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue
Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
US to Iran: Don't you dare act like us Guardian [UK] (12/28/11)
"Tensions between the United States and Iran have dangerously ratcheted up as naval officials with America's Fifth Fleet warned any attempt by Iran to close a strategically vital oil route through the Strait of Hormuz would 'not be tolerated.' The news heightens a sense of growing crisis in the Persian Gulf after two days of threats by senior Iranian figures that they might shut down the important trade route in response to any future international sanctions against the country's oil exports." http://bit.ly/taP2kr
Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with imaginary fears.
Why waste your time reliving the past, when, you can spend it much more productively by worrying about the future?
Abortion, immigration changes among new 2012 laws South Oregon Mail Tribune "Girls seeking abortions in New Hampshire must first tell their parents or a judge, some employers in Alabama must verify new workers' U.S. residency, and California students will be the first in the country to receive mandatory lessons about the contributions of gays and lesbians under state laws set to take effect at the start of 2012. Many laws reflect the nation's concerns over immigration, the cost of government and the best way to protect and benefit young people, including regulations on sports concussions." (12/28/11) http://tinyurl.com/d3hpyuf **********************************
Budgets are a systematic way of living beyond your means.
Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
It's amazing how fast later comes when you buy now
Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza each day.
You should almost hardly ever equivocate.
Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
It's amazing how fast later comes when you buy now
Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza each day.
You should almost hardly ever equivocate.
More NewsViews Just a headline, a grabber and a link..
NY: Tennessee tourist abducted after attempting to check gun at 9/11 memorial New York Post "A tourist politely asked if she could check her weapon.
Instead, she was dragged out in cuffs. [proving that it's a totalitarian police state]." (12/29/11) Read the FULL ARTICLE at,http://nyp.st/uBwSvM
Instead, she was dragged out in cuffs. [proving that it's a totalitarian police state]." (12/29/11) Read the FULL ARTICLE at,http://nyp.st/uBwSvM
Russia slams US for its human rights record Richmond Times-Dispatch
Foreign Ministry has attacked America's human rights record. (See just above) Far cry
from the ideals that Washington proclaims. (12/28/11) Read http://tinyurl.com/cxyhl4h
from the ideals that Washington proclaims. (12/28/11) Read http://tinyurl.com/cxyhl4h
Scientists: solar storm "could knock out radio signals" Daily Mail [UK]
"Solar storm will slam into Earth and produce amazing Northern Lights, or auroras. On the downside, experts expect radio blackouts for a few days" (12/28/11) Read more at,
Would the Standing Committee please sit down?
We do precision guesswork.
To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated but not be able to say
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
WordViews by Walt Clark
hazmat \HAZ-mat\ noun: a material (flammable or poisonous) that would be a danger to life or to the environment if released without precautions, as in “the hazmat database gave directions for cleanup.”
There aren’t any which is why this word entered our language so quickly.
There aren’t any which is why this word entered our language so quickly.
Word Wise:
Hazardous Materials wasn’t even a concept until the environmentalists created a whole industry around protecting us from ourselves. Society as a whole has gotten richer. That means two things: there’s more waste and less land. When land was cheap you merely abandoned it after pollution made it unusable. Those libertarians that come from a Republican heritage don’t like the environmentalist’s use of government to control society the way they see fit. Those libertarians with a liberal heritage point out that environmentalists have greatly influenced the private sector too. It’s not just because it’s against the law; we feel good about taking used oil back to the auto parts store for recycling. There’s a challenge here for all libertarians of both types with respect to hazmat. It is “failure of the commons” in reverse. All libertarians have at one time or another explained why socialism is like a pasture that farmers share. It is in there self-interest to exploit it rather than husband it. But what about hazmat and capitalism? If all the means of production and indeed all land was in private hands, it is in everyone’s self interest to dump their pollution into the air or into the ground water. To propose market processes for moving waste around assumes that everyone has bought into the idea that waste materials are not to be part of the commons. How do we libertarians propose stopping cheaters from being the most profitable? (Send your responses to the editor of this newsletter.)
Hazmat is an attributive noun. That means it is more often used as an adjective, as in the phrase hazmat team. Attributive nouns such as “leather” in the phrase leather jacket are so common we don’t even notice the ambiguity. Words that are modifiers need to be short since the main point is the noun. If “hazardous materials” would only be used as a noun we could spell it out that way forever. But as a modifier, there’s a natural urge to shorten it, or at least hyphenate the phrase to make sure it is recognized as a modifier. New words are often born as attributive nouns.
Hazardous Materials wasn’t even a concept until the environmentalists created a whole industry around protecting us from ourselves. Society as a whole has gotten richer. That means two things: there’s more waste and less land. When land was cheap you merely abandoned it after pollution made it unusable. Those libertarians that come from a Republican heritage don’t like the environmentalist’s use of government to control society the way they see fit. Those libertarians with a liberal heritage point out that environmentalists have greatly influenced the private sector too. It’s not just because it’s against the law; we feel good about taking used oil back to the auto parts store for recycling. There’s a challenge here for all libertarians of both types with respect to hazmat. It is “failure of the commons” in reverse. All libertarians have at one time or another explained why socialism is like a pasture that farmers share. It is in there self-interest to exploit it rather than husband it. But what about hazmat and capitalism? If all the means of production and indeed all land was in private hands, it is in everyone’s self interest to dump their pollution into the air or into the ground water. To propose market processes for moving waste around assumes that everyone has bought into the idea that waste materials are not to be part of the commons. How do we libertarians propose stopping cheaters from being the most profitable? (Send your responses to the editor of this newsletter.)
Hazmat is an attributive noun. That means it is more often used as an adjective, as in the phrase hazmat team. Attributive nouns such as “leather” in the phrase leather jacket are so common we don’t even notice the ambiguity. Words that are modifiers need to be short since the main point is the noun. If “hazardous materials” would only be used as a noun we could spell it out that way forever. But as a modifier, there’s a natural urge to shorten it, or at least hyphenate the phrase to make sure it is recognized as a modifier. New words are often born as attributive nouns.
This is not the end it is The Beginning
Begin to share some of this information with others.